Sunday, October 9, 2016

Revolution and Technology

Hi everyone. Today i am going to talk about revolution, new technology, important invention and so on. There are many invention in the world. Nowadays a lot of new technology is discovered. To think is hard our life without technology. Technology plays a big role in humans` life. 

What is revolution ?

The usually violent attempt by many people to end the rule of government and start a new one.

What is benefit of technology ?

1. We can get information which we need and communicate people with internet
2. People simplify their life and can do works in little time easyly. For example: washing machine, dishwasher machine is able to do works in little time that we do that employment for hours. You can keep your products or information in some devices also do works quickly what you will do with touching a button at your home.
3. Technology has developed in medical. In past when people don`t have some mechanisms they couldn`t know their illness but now everyone goes to hospital and knows about his/her/it health.
4. Education has improved by technology. For example: Students and pupils comprehend the lessons with projector, television and etc. better than without them.
5. Technology in vehicle. In the past people went anywhere to weeks or months but now travel is comfortable. You can go nearby location with car to hours, go far location with train or plain to hours or days
6. Books are important in our life. Our worldview increase with reading the books. There are mechanisms that print books, journal, newspaper in press and television, radio or internet that we know about the world news.

What i`ve said is good side of the technology. Because technology is improved and scientists invent new robots that works instead of people. Human`s work become easier. People work little time. Unemployment increase in the world. People study many years about 11 years at school, 4-5 years at university (if this university is Khazar maybe 7-8 years :D), 2-3 years master and then youngs can`t find work for working daily. `Cause robots and computers doing all of works which people did it in past. Now almost everything is electonic. Those are working without anyone. I think Resurrection Day is coming ) All of these accidents are indication of Resurrection Day


  1. Not bad,but your opinions are a little bit strange. There would be more information also, because this is very short post. Relevance of this post with topic is not clear. I am sorry for this comment, hope that you will consider these things in your next post.

    1. No problem. Don`t care about comment. I hadn`t finished my text yet. That`s why it was short. Please read and appreciate my new job again )

  2. Khazar university :D

  3. They aren't able to find a job because they are really lazy to try. They don't have enough knowledge, they don't take risks.

    1. some of them. yes i agree with your opinion. but nearly all of them isn`t lazy but can`t find job.

  4. Technologies pretty save your time, so we should thank scientists for their great work

    1. but on another side it is bad. i explained it

  5. Khazar university :D
    Wish you to finish Khazar in 4 year :D

  6. SAnar i like the content of your blog but about design of you blog next time remove this green heading :D good job

  7. I scare from writing comment. Because you can hack my email :DDDD

    1. :D no no don`t scare :D . Don`t it again :D . Next time i won`t forgive you :D hahaha (bad smile)

  8. The information was short(in good way) and clear, but I would like to read about information revolution more.

  9. I am agree with Khan, and it would be better to write about inventions.
